Feb 27, 2021

Structures et patternes


Modélisation numérique discrète du comportement mécanique sous impact des structures d'écrans de filets pare-pierres.

Types of Pattern

    These generally fall into 2 groups:

  • Geometric - Linear and organic: Diamonds, triangles, lozenges, triangular or square chequerboard, parallel zigzags, chevrons, dots, circles, curved lines or waves, spirals
  • Symbolic - Natural or man-made representative motifs: Includes cruciforms, crescents, stars, mosaics, flowers, fruit, seeds, pods, trees all used emblPatterns are used 

  • in the decoration of:
    • Architecture-walls, roofing, doors, columns, finials, tiles, ceramics
    • Functional objects-baskets, pottery, furniture, musical instruments
    • Adornment-jewelry, amulets, hair, combs, body painting and scarring, tattoos
    • Artifacts-carved, painted, embellished (beaded, cowrie shells, seeds, pods,metal, leather)
    • Textiles-woven, printed, tie-dyed, stamped, embroidered, sewn on, appliqued


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