Aug 17, 2023


List of Famous 50 Ancient Egyptian Symbols with Their Meanings: 1. The Ankh "Symbol of Life" 2. The Djed "Symbol of Stability" 3. The Was Scepter "Symbol of Power" 4. The Scarab "Symbol of Transformation" 5. The Tyet "Symbol of Feminism" 6. Lotus Symbol "Symbol of Rebirth & Purity" 7. The Shen "Symbol of Royalty & Symmetry" 8. Wadjet "Symbol of Protection & Healing" 9. The Udjat Eye "Symbol of Power" 10. Hekha and Nekhakha "Symbol of Kingship" 11. Ouroboros "Symbol of Infinity & Time" 12. Cartouche "Symbol of Good Luck" 13. Uranus "Symbol of Royalty" 14. The Ka "Symbol of the Soul" 15. The Feather of Maat "Symbol of Justice & Truth" 16. Amenta "Symbol of The Underworld" 17. The Tree of Life "Symbol of Destiny" 18. Menet "Symbol of Fertility & Birth" 19. Sistrum "Symbol of Music & Good Fortune" 20. Seba "Symbol of Stars, Time & Traveling" 21. The Bennu Bird "Symbol of Regeneration" 22. Canopic Jar "Symbol of Mummification" 23. The Crescent "Symbol of the Moon, Motherhood and Fertility" 24. Ajet "Symbol of the Sunrise, Sunset & Horizon" 25. The Red Crown "Symbol of North Kingship" 26. The White Crown "Symbol Upper Kingship" 27. The Double King "Symbol of The Unification" 28. The Blue Crown "Symbol Royal Insignia Power" 29. Nemes Headdress "Symbol of Pharaohs" 30. Egyptian Winged Sun "Symbol of Solar Power" 31. Ba "Symbol of the Physical Soul & Rebirth" 32. Nebu "Symbol of Gold" 33. Djew "Symbol of Afterlife & The Heavens" 34. Leb "Symbol of The Heart" 35. Primordial Hill "Symbol of Creation" 36. IB "Symbol of Heart" 37. Khet "Symbol of the Physical Body" 38. Akh "Symbol of the Thought & Intellect" 39. Obelisk "Symbol of Kingship & Success" 40. Bee and Reed "Symbol of Unity of Egypt" 41. Papyrus "Symbol of Writing & Facts" 42. Vulture "Symbol of Kingly Protection" 43. Egyptian Pool "Symbol of Water & Prosbility" 44. Imiut Fetish "Symbol of Mummification" 45. Hennu and Solar Boats "Symbol of the Afterlife Journey" 46. Sema "Symbol of Union" 47. Sa "Symbol of Protection" 48. Ahket "Symbol of Horizon & Inundation" 49. Shu "Symbol of Air & Wind" 50. Duat "Symbol of Underworld"


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