Jan 3, 2021


An exoskeleton is an external, artificial structure designed to be worn in order to compensate or enhance natural (i.e. biological) physical abilities. It is built using robotics and biomechatronics and consists of a wearable device that works in tandem with the user. Being placed on the person’s body and acting as an augmenting amplifier, it reinforces or restores human mechanical performance. Materials for building exoskeletons can be rigid, such as (light) metals, plastics or carbon fibre, or the framework can made out of elastic and soft components. “Exoskeletons can be powered and equipped with sensors and 

actuators, or they can be passive (non-powered)”.63 Depending on the intended use, exoskeletons “can cover the entire body, just the upper or lower extremities, or even a specific body segment such as the ankle or the hip.”64

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