Dec 26, 2021


Conceptually speaking, therefore, African-based family systems can be thought of as a "Continual Flexibility in Circularity. Conceptually speaking, therefore, African-based family systems can be thought of as a "Continual Flexibility in Circularity."1 By this we mean the nature of the system is appositional. It is based on the "continuity" and "union" of people, functions, roles, rela- tionships and processes. Each element in African-based families is not distinct or sepa- rate from other elements. In a sense the "elemental" structure of African families is continuous or spiralling. Family elements spiral or flow into each other. The functions of the family are likewise "fluid" with all rela- tionships and subsequent roles having the quality of being "flexible" and "interchange- able." Therefore, the intrinsic nature of (African-based) families is its sense of Africanity or what weVe operationally called the "Continual Flexibility in Circularity.

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